Safest Places To Live When Disaster Hits
I’m filing this article ‘Safest Places To Live When SHTF’ under Prepping & Preparedness Level 4. Why? Because SHTF ($hit Hit The Fan) in the context of preparedness is ‘very bad’.
We view SHTF as a wide reaching and long lasting event, or set of events, that have very bad consequences for most people. Lots of things could fit into this, or trigger it.
There’s one very important concept here regarding SHTF. And that is, you’re going to be mostly or entirely on your own.
Or maybe better said, your environment will become very “local”.
We have hypothesized many scenarios whereby a SHTF event could wreak havoc among the population. Just pick one. It doesn’t really matter.
The point of this article is the following… Regardless (almost) of what the SHTF is, or triggers “it”, an exceedingly important thing will be “where” you are. Where you live. The place.
The “how” you will continue to live is another set of matters. But the “where”… Yes, that will be very important indeed.
IMPORTANT! You Should Already Be Living In The Safest Place!
Those who are seriously concerned about Preparedness Level 4. If you’re not living where you think you should be living, well, what can I say…
You are the boss of you.
If and when the SHTF, it will be too late. Why? Because establishing your ‘safe place’ is a process. It doesn’t happen overnight.
It is wishful thinking for a lot of people. I get that. I’m not here to judge one way or the other. There are careers. Obligations. Commitments. Relationships. All sorts of reasons to stay put.
I know from experience that it’s not easy to uproot and move. I’ve done it a few times, and in a few big ways (major geographical moves). And I have paid some analogous ‘penalty prices’ for it, in more ways than one.
Ultimately, I chose a ‘safest’ place for me. But it was more than that. It was a lifestyle choice. A new chapter in our lives. We have never regretted it (Mrs. J and I, and the dog..). I was done with “the rat race” anyway.
The decisions to uproot were never easy. But I can tell you this. Once the decision was made, it became quite exciting and fun. Motivation really kicks in to high gear once you’ve made up your mind!